
Ex-Marine Attacks Wife During Fort Lauderdale Divorce Hearing

The Sun Sentinel is reporting that a husband attacked his wife in the chambers of Broward Circuit Judge Ronald Rothschild during a final divorce hearing today causing her to have serious injuries which required hospitalization. Paul Henry Gonzalez, 23, committed domestic violence on his wife without any advanced provocation. He hit her numerous times with closed fists causing her to sustain a torn lip and injuries to her head.

When law enforcement officers arrived in the courtroom, the husband was being restrained by a Broward divorce attorney. After refusing to put his hand into handcuffs, Broward Sheriff Officers tasered him two times before taking him to a hospital for examination.

Mr. Gonzalez is being held in the Broward County Jail on pending charges of felony domestic violence and resisting arrest without violence. The Wife, 23 year old Catherine Ann Scott-Gonzalez, is at Holy Cross Hospital. She will be kept overnight to monitor brain trauma, a broken nose and a broken facial bone by her eye.

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