
Financial Decisions To Make During Your Ft. Lauderdale Divorce (Part 1)

When you get a divorce in Miami or Fort Lauderdale, it may be one of the most damaging financial events of you life. However, this is not always clear to a person who is about to higher a divorce lawyer. Often one is overwhelmed with exhaustion and sadness after marital problems or shock when their spouse leaves the marriage. However, financial implications will soon begin during your Broward divorce.

If you are on your spouse’s health insurance, you will not be able to use it after your divorce. While the government permits you to have CORA coverage for up to three years, you are required to pay the premium yourself. Some people who are older or have pre-existing conditions find that they can not get health insurance after their divorce. Whether you hire a Broward divorce lawyer in Hollywood, Hallandale, Cooper City, Plantation or Weston, make sure that you know how much health insurance will cost after your divorce so that this can be considered prior to mediation.

The mourning and trauma that results from a divorce may make therapy necessary. If you do not have health insurance, you may need to locate a low cost therapist. Alternatively, you may have to pay upwards of $100.00 for a therapist.

It is easy to let bills slip when you are paying for your Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer and no longer speaking to your spouse. However, this can damage your credit. All jointly held credit cards should be canceled and any balance that your spouse is responsible for should be transferred to a new card in his or her name.

Once there are no longer you and your spouse living together in the same household, you may have to hire help to assist with household maintenance. This may include lawn maintenance, pool maintenance, home repair and babysitting. Your Fort Lauderdale marital and family law attorney may want to consider these expenses when calculating your child support and alimony.

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