
Five Things Every Married Person Needs To Hear About Divorce In Broward County (Part 2)

If you reside within Broward County and are having marital problems, it is highly likely that you have or will consult with a divorce lawyer. Before meeting with a divorce attorney in Fort Lauderdale, there are five things that you need to hear about a divorce. In my blog posted yesterday, I discussed two of the five things that you should know before speaking to your marital and family law divorce attorney in Florida. Today I will discuss the remaining three topics.

Hire A Lawyer Who Will Work With You

Educate yourself about your rights so that you can direct your lawyer. You need to make decisions with your lawyer together. Fire a lawyer that you feel uncomfortable with sooner rather than later because after a while, he or she will be too entrenched in your case.

Face Today’s Tough Economy

The current economic climate has made divorce more complex than ever. Because a couple’s most valuable asset is often their home, and mot homes have lost some if not all of their value, selling a home and splitting the sale 50-50 is less attractive than ever. Many couples are putting off divorce until their financial situation improves. This way, homes and investment portfolios do not have to be sold and split with neither party making any money.

Consider Legal Alternatives

For couples that are going to be amicable, collaborative law may be the better way to go. During the collaborative process, both parties have independent lawyers and sign a contract to stay out of court. If the process fails and the parties need to take their divorce case to court, they need to start from scratch and hire new lawyers.

Other couples may consider attending mediation as soon as possible. In mediation, an independent third party helps the husband and wife reach a marital settlement agreement. Lawyers are present during the mediation process to advise their clients.

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