
Keep Your Finances Afloat During Your Fort Lauderdale Divorce

Financial hardships in Broward County brought on by the recession have made divorce a reality for couples who live in South Florida. The recession is causing many couples throughout Fort Lauderdale to rethink their marital situation since a high priced divorce may further deplete their shrunken assets and liabilities. Many divorce attorneys in Hollywood, Cooper City, Miramar, Plantation and other cities in Broward County are available to assist you with your dissolution of marriage during these tough times.

Many couples do not want to get divorced because of recession related problems. People who have have no children and limited finances can save money on their divorce by hiring a lawyer when they have reached a settlement and file for a simplified dissolution of marriage. However, couples with children, real estate and a more complicated financial situation have to salvage their finances during a divorce.

You must be consistent in communicating with your lawyer. Get a referral through word-of-mouth, local and state bar associations or online through search engines such as Google. During your initial consultation with a marital and family law attorney, ask for a free or reduced rate consultation. You should also ask your divorce lawyer about attending mediation as soon as possible. Be cooperative, realistic and prepared to compromise with your spouse during your divorce.

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