
South Florida Couples Hire Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorneys Frequently

Fifty-seven percent of Florida families go through a divorce. Divorce rates in Florida tend to exceed national averages. While the statistics show that many couples are getting married in Florida, just as many are retaining a Broward divorce attorney to end their marriage.

Many people move to Florida and leave their families. Some blame the economy for the recent increase in divorce filings. While financial pressure is often a cause of divorce, the cost of divorce can make unhappy couples continue to remain married.

When you hire a Miami divorce lawyer, he or she will often require a retainer of $4,000 to $7,500. The clerk of court requires a $409 filing fee and a $10 summons fee. In the event that a couple cannot resolve their case at mediation, they are also required to pay their lawyer a trial retainer which can often be between $5,000 to $10,000.

If you want to try and save your marriage, you should consider the level of communication amongst you and your spouse. You both should learn how to talk to each other. Couples who are contemplating saving their marriage find that the problems in the marriage often deal with the level of communication. If the goal to save your marriage is not shared and one spouse is not commited to recovery of the marriage, this process will fail and you will most likely wind up in divorce court.

Information from the US Census indicates that couples who live together before they marry are two times more likely to get divorced. Insofar as many couples in Florida reside together before their marriage, this may explain the higher number of divorces in this state.

Another reason for the high divorce rate may be because Florida is a no-fault divorce state. If one party has been a resident for 6 months before the filing of the complaint and the marriage is irretrievably broken, the Court will generally grant the divorce. While the value of marriage may be lost in our society, one thing for sure is that it is very easy to get divorced in the Sunshine State.

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