
The Holiday Season is Normally Difficult for Newly Separated or Divorced Parents in Florida

As the holidays near, many newly separated or divorced parents experience angst over the changed traditions and a possible separation from their children. Although a family law judge will determine where a former couple’s children spend each holiday, it is a good idea for separated or divorced parents to negotiate such matters with their former spouse. Mediators and parenting coordinators may make it possible for parents to come to an agreement and make it through the holidays without a lengthy court battle.

Karen D. Sacks, a licensed mental health and family counselor in West Boca, believes it is important for parents to listen closely to their children during the transition from a single to a dual household, especially during the holiday season. Sacks stated parents should ask for input from kids prior to making holiday plans even if they do not choose to follow all of a child’s wishes. Additionally, parents should keep in mind that many children of divorce become protective of their parents and are often concerned that one parent may spend the holidays alone.

According to Sacks, because children tend to take their cues from their parents, you should send your child off with a smile if your custody arrangement stipulates that he or she will spend the holidays with your former spouse. In such cases, Sacks stated, it is important to love your child more than you dislike your former husband or wife. By reacting to a child’s absence negatively, you will reportedly make being separated from you more emotionally difficult. In addition, making negative statements about your child’s other parent is normally extremely stressful on your kids. Similarly, grandparents who are angry over a divorce should not be allowed to bad-mouth your former spouse in front of the children.

Sacks believes all children recover from divorce at their own pace and maintaining an open line of communication with your kids is often key. Although you cannot continue as if nothing happened, you can ensure that you act like an adult. Despite that newly separated or divorced parents normally struggle with anger throughout the holiday season, it is vital for children to understand that the parental bond will not change no matter who they spend the holidays with.

Child custody is always an especially emotional subject, and most parents worry about how much time they will have available to spend with their kids following a divorce. Since October 2008, divorcing parents in Florida must enter into a time-sharing agreement. A time-sharing agreement will state exactly how much time a minor child will spend with each parent on weekdays, weekends, school breaks, and holidays. If a child’s parents cannot reach an agreement regarding a time-sharing schedule, a family law judge will create a schedule for them. In Florida, a family court will examine a number of factors under Florida law when considering any time-sharing agreement. Contact a capable family law attorney for more information.

If you need assistance with child custody or another stressful family law issue, call Attorney Sandy T. Fox toll free at (800) 596-0579 today. Mr. Fox is available to assist you with all of your family law issues including child custody, child support, divorce, alimony, domestic violence, paternity, and name changes. To speak with a diligent family lawyer today, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Sandy T. Fox through our website.

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Additional Resources:

Newly divorced angst over holiday plans, Marci Shatzman, Sun-Sentinel


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